Why the C-UAS Security tool kit was born.

The vast majority of organisations in the UK will be impacted by UAS either directly or indirectly as their capabilities progress faster than the ability to assess and mitigate. This is anticipated to continue as new and innovative uses are found and the capabilities of UAS continue to develop. It has been estimated that there could be over 76,000 commercial drones in UK skies by 2030. 

However, as their use expands and develops, security risks are also emerging. A good C-UAS security strategy will protect their ability to function, and ensure organisations can exploit the opportunities that the technology brings. Your C-UAS strategy is therefore central to your organisation's health and resilience, and this places it firmly within the responsibility of the Board.

Board members don't need to be technical experts, but they need to know enough about UAS security to be able to have a fluent conversation with their experts, and understand the right questions to ask.

Our vision is for this toolkit to act as your foundation to grasp the unmanned aerial market, while maintaining your organisations security, resilience and health.

What will you find inside and how is it structured?

As you will see, the toolkit is designed to be used as a resource that can be utilised at any time. The sections are created to allow you to dip into any element as is required. You may find that the toolkit is best spread across your team to digest and integrate into your strategies, policies or culture.

The vision and aspiration from the Shield team is for this toolkit to spark a shift in C-UAS thinking and decision making at the highest level.


Graeme Ritchie

Graeme is a C-UAS specialist with 18 plus years of airspace security expertise. His military career included Special Forces Support Group, Counter Terrorism, multiple overseas tours and domestic operations including the G7 and COP 26. His most recent tour in Iraq saw him head up and lead the C-UAS Coalition task force, dealing with some of the most congested and contested airspace in the world. Very, very few members of the C-UAS community have anywhere near Graeme's level of lived experience. It was during his time in Iraq that he saw the need to enhance senior leaders understanding of C-UAS. His vision and motivation is to give senior leaders the tools to make educated decisions. Which in turn, supports organisations, their assets and people within.

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