Our C-UAS Awareness Course is specifically designed to provide a foundation for those who want to understand more about Counter-UAS and begin preparing for the integration of airspace awareness and protection measures into their security program.

The C-UAS domain is vast and constantly evolving. This course serves as an introduction and sets the foundation for future learning. It takes you on the structured path, starting with the fundamentals of C-UAS and guides you through 8 modules including UK / US legislation, the drone code and passive and active countermeasures.

Whether you are absolutely brand new to UAS and C-UAS or arrive with experience, our introduction to the domain will act as a foundation to building C-UAS resilience into your organisation.

Why this course is right for the C-UAS market now.

The course is designed for anyone who believes that UAS could pose a threat to their operation or integrate UAS security into their existing security management portfolio.  All of our research into the C-UAS market and those affected by rouge drones and UAS points to three findings.

UAS usage is expanding rapidly. The laws and expertise required to respond is trailing behind the technology that is evolving at pace. 

Knowledge is power. Without the distribution of C-UAS knowledge, security providers will not have the foundation to set good C-UAS strategies and policies.

Those who grasp the UAS and C-UAS domain will gain a competitive advantage and ultimately thrive. The airspace around us is evolving. Those who do not proactively adapt, will not survive long term.

Shield UAS Solutions

We are an agnostic Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-UAS) consultancy with a combined 36 years of airspace security experience. Our Threat and Risk Assessments, C-UAS workforce training and Field Service Representatives (FSRs), support organisations in securing their airspace against drones and other unmanned platforms.


AeroVigilance is a company devoted to helping people and organizations understand the risks posed by uncrewed aircraft and find solutions to enhance their airspace awareness and security measures.

The AeroVigilance team have over 30 years of combined experience in law enforcement and technical operations with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. They have extensive experience in conducting Counter-UAS operations throughout the United States at high-profile public events and venues such as the Super Bowl, World Series, and Rose Bowl, to name a few.

Example Curriculum

  Section 1 - Welcome and introduction to C-UAS
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 2 - What is the threat from UAS?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 3 - US CUAS Legislation and introduction to C-UAS counter measures.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 4 - UK CUAS Legislation and introduction to C-UAS counter measures.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Course wrap up
Available in days
days after you enroll

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